About This Item
These 30 count test strips are designed for use with the FROG® @ease® Floating System. Strips measure pH, Total Alkalinity, Water Hardness as well as SmartChlor® level. Simply dip the test strip in your Softub Spa for a few seconds, remove with the pads facing up, and shake lightly once to remove excess water. Hold the strip next to the color chart on the back of the bottle to compare colors.
If the SmartChlor color on the strip is darker than the bottle label, you don’t need to take any action. If it is lighter, it’s time to replace your SmartChlor Cartridge.
FROG @ease Test Strips should be used in conjunction with the FROG @ease Floating System, using any other test strips will produce inaccurate results.
Disclaimer: It is very common for well water to be high in metal content, especially iron, and for the calcium hardness levels to be very high when starting. When left unbalanced or untreated, it is hard for @ease to perform successfully if metals are present and/or calcium hardness are high. Not only that, but high metal and hardness levels can cause issues with spa equipment and filtration over time. For that reason, when customers are on a well, it is important that they test and treat their water for metals using a metal sequestrant before getting started with @ease. Many customers also find success in reducing their starting hardness level by using a hose filter when filling their tub.